The Amazing Race

Ah, Fall!  The leaves are turning, there is a crispness in the air, young men and women across this great land are once again hitting the books…which can only mean one thing:  AMAZING RACE is back!

As Shane Otten makes his annual NFL picks, we take a stab at our seasonal Amazing Race picks.

Here are this year’s picks:

Timmy: Meghan and Cheyne

Janet: Mika and Canaan

Alexis: Sam and Dan

Kerrin: Zev and Justin

Brian Scheall: Brian and Erika

Ashley: Marcy and Ron



Craig (loves football), Jenna (a true WV fan), Susan (WV fan wannabe), and myself (didnt want to study) braved the sea of orange to attend the WVU vs Auburn University football game on September 19th. We arrived early on a partly cloudy afternoon, scalped some nose-bleed tickets from an older kindhearted gentleman and eagerly entered the stadium to find our seats. As we trooped up the ramps which seemed to go on forever, all of the sudden the temperature drastically dropped, the skies darkened, and down came the rain!! And there we stood, crammed together like sardines under the ramp for an hour and half while the stormed ranged and the lighting struck! An impressive show, but definitely not what we had in mind. Eventually the rains slowed down to a drizzle and the lightning subsided and the game began – about 2 hours post original kickoff time.

WVU had an impressive start scoring two touchdowns in the first 5 minutes of the game leaving Auburn in a 14-0 opening stunner…. and then it went downhill from there. What started out as a fantastic trampling of the 86,000 strong orange clad fans, ended in a disappointing loss for the 1,500 of us decked out in blue and yellow. With too many interceptions and fumbles in the second half that overshadowed the impressive play of the first, Auburn pulls ahead in the 4th quarter and wins 41 to 30 to the roar of orange clad fans.

Back to the books…………………

Stand Up!

Tim and I  were proud to be two of the hundreds of thousands, maybe millions, of American patriots who marched on Washington DC on 9.12.09.  The mainstream media said we were an “extremist movement”.  Well, they got it half right.  We are NOT extremists but this IS a movement.  This is the movement of millions of Americans standing up and saying, “WE will defend the Constitution of the United States!”

A Few "Thousand" Marchers
A Few "Thousand" Marchers

While we got up every morning and went to work, took our children to school, volunteered in our churches and communities or LOOKED FOR A JOB, our government representatives squandered our prosperity and usurped our freedoms.  We sent them trillions of dollars in taxes, but that was NOT ENOUGH.  So they plundered the social security surpluses leaving the coffers empty and the Americans who are counting on that Social Security check in retirement with nothing but empty promises.  Between Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, our government has run up to 100 trillion dollars of unfunded liabilities TO the American people – the people they are suppose to represent!  BUT THAT WAS NOT ENOUGH!  So they ran up a debt in our name that is largest in the history of the world. And while we hear so much about the amount we owe to China, let us not forget that 75% of Treasury Bills are held by Americans.  Treasury bills fill the coffers of the pension and retirement plans of our policemen, teachers, firefighters, coal miners, clergy and everyday Americans – the people they are suppose to represent. When our government does not defend our dollar, it is the American people they are refusing to defend.  It is our government that has led us to the precipice of financial collapse.  In my father’s lifetime we have gone from being the world’s greatest creditor nation to the world’s greatest debtor nation.  And still it is NOT ENOUGH.  They expect us to look at all they have done and still support their Health Care Bill, their Cap and Trade Bill and their Employee Free Choice Bill.  They have demonstrated they cannot be trusted. These bills will push us over that cliff.  But what our elected officials do not understand, is that between America and that cliff stands a wall forged from the iron will of millions of peaceful Americans who are standing up to protect America and saying, “ENOUGH!  YOU SHALL NOT PASS!”

What the President, the Congress and the Media witnessed in Washington DC on 9.12.09 was a conference of their employers. We are changing their job responsibilities.  They are to STOP writing laws that put shackles on the American people and instead they should begin to review and revoke all laws that impinge on the rights and freedoms of the American people guaranteed to them by the Constitution.  And they should stop spending our money! Those who choose to push any legislation against the will of the American people will in 2010 hear the words, “You’re fired!”

Please join the “movement” and stand up.  Call your representatives and tell them “NO!  We do not support these bills and we expect you to vote against them.”  Get everyone you know to call.  Silence Is Consent.

Here are the phone numbers you need to contact your representatives in Washington:

Senate:  202-224-3121

House of Representatives:  202-225-3121

White House:  202-456-1111

God Bless America!

Here are photos of the American patriots that have your back:

Can You Hear Us Now?
Can You Hear Us Now?
Standing Up
Standing Up
Don't Tread On Me
Don't Tread On Me
I Love Americans!
All the Way to the Washington Monument
We The People...

We The People...