For the Ottens

I was searching through old notes and found a professor who felt the need to insert random comic clips between every couple of slides – which is how I stumbled upon this one. Doesn’t he look like Luke?!?! :)Wisconsin.Indiana

Miss you guys!

No Pain No Gain… sort of.

People say that right before something catastrophic happens, everything slows down. I am here to contest that.

Last week, I began playing intramural soccer. I am playing on two teams (shhh, don’t tell anyone) and have had four games so far. Currently, one team is struggling (0-2) and one team is cleaning up (2-0). Just like the team that is performing better, I am also cleaning up (7 goals and 2 assists). However, the game itself is really trying to drag me down.

In my first game, I already had a hat trick in the bag when I took the ball from midfield and sprinted towards goal. A defender was bearing down on me from the right, so I stuttered stepped and, with the outside of my right foot, cut it back and megged him, apparently making him quite angry. I was about to shoot and score when he brought his trailing leg around and chopped me down. I flailed as I crashed to the ground, attempting to chip the ball over the oncoming goalie, but the he made a brilliant save as I crashed to the ground in a heap, knocking the wind out of my chest. It happened so fast, I didn’t realize that I may have actually injured myself. Twelve days later, it is clear that I have two deeply bruised ribs. Ouch.

Two days after that incident, I took the field again with some sore ribs. After just five minutes of play I came up behind an unwary defender and stuck my right foot around him and stole the ball. Unfortunately, as I was planting my foot, my cleats got caught in the turf, but my ankle kept going. SNAP! Tendons and ligaments stretched to their limits, and I crashed to the ground. I hopped off the field and motioned for a substitution. I had a sprained ankle. Perhaps unintelligently, and almost incredibly, I jogged off the initial pain and played the entire second half. For the next three days, I hobbled around school and my ankle swelled to the size of a mellon. Ten days later, it is still black and blue.

After a few well-needed days of rest, I hit he pitch again for my third game. Fortunately, I came out of that game with only aggravating my existing injuries. I considered myself lucky.

The following night I had my fourth game. I was working on a 2 goal 1 assist performance and my team was working on securing a 5-1 victory, when I came into contact with my worst injury to date. With only a minute left to go in the game, I went to pressure an offensive player who was receiving the ball. I got right up on his back and knew that if he tried to turn and go around me, I would stick him with a big right foot and send him flying. Unfortunately, he decided not to go around me, but just right into me. Before I knew what was happening, the player attempted to move past me by throwing his head back with as much force as he possibly could, and it was in the general area that he did this, that my face resided. The back of his skull came rocketing back and made direct contact with my face, knocking me over. The next thing I knew I was picking myself up off the ground and holding my hands over my face. I stumbled off the field as quickly as I could and then looked down at my hands. Blood was flowing down my arms.

“I think I broke my nose!” I said. A few teammates came over to inspect, and their facial expressions confirmed the fact that my nose was indeed broken. I spent the next two and a half hours in the ER, getting x-rays and making sure that I didn’t have blood build up inside my face. The x-rays confirmed that my nose was broken in two places, and this Monday, I have to go back to get it reset. Can’t wait.

Within the past two weeks, I have accumulated more injuries (and a much wider variety of injuries) than I did my four years of playing college soccer (that was just a whole lot of ankle sprains). And during every injury, it happened so fast it was like a blur. It is the moment right after the incident, whether it is while gasping for breath on the ground, or hopping off the field in pain, or watching as blood pours down your hands and arms, where everything truly slows down.

I think I may retire from intramural soccer before it is too late – who knows what is in store for me next game.

Two days after the broken nose incident

Craig Schluterman.

I decided to do some research behind this “Craig” character before I agreed to give him my sister’s hand in marriage.  I think everyone will be interested to see what my research has exposed:

The name Craig is of Scottish and Gaelic origin, and its meaning is “rock, rocky“. Comes from the word “crag“. Also originally a Scottish surname. The name is now popular in the English-speaking world.

All I know is that when we played backyard football, the last word(s) I would use to describe Craig is Rock or Rocky…more like Jello or Jello-ee or soft or softy.  Not rock or rocky.

Kyle = Rock.  Craig = Pudding.

Unfortunately, there is more:

The name Schluterman derived from the Middle Low German term “Schlutter” meaning “doorkeeper” It is supposed that the name was originally occupational for the keeper of supplies of a large household (or a single-wide mobile home).

Just one further point:  Hasn’t he (Craig) always told us that he is studying to be a vet?  Kerrin, how many years is the Carnegie-Mellon Masters program in Doorkeeping?  is that a 6 or 8 year program?

I think we have all learned some valuable lessons here.

You can thank me later Lauren. Phew, that was a close one.

Going to the chapel….

 …………and we’re gonna get married!!! I know most faithful readers of the Shelblog are already aware of this exciting news, but I just wouldn’t feel right if I didn’t put it on the internet for all to see!! Craig and I are getting married!! He proposed two weeks ago with ice cream, a romantic setting, and a father’s permission (what more could a girl ask for?) and we have set the date for May 22, 2010! More exclamation points!!!! We expect and hope to see you all there. Until it is official, Craig has been given a temporary guest status so he can post on Shelblog with the rest of the Sheldons. Lets see if he can keep up with the Joneses (AKA: the Sheldons)   :)

A few pictures

Classic Pose

The ring - sorry about the poor quality